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Organisations & Businesses


Whatever your size and remit, Sussex-based organisations can take part in their Local Nature Recovery Strategy, and add their views to those of residents, community groups, local authorities, decision-makers and landowners.


Why take part 


The two Local Nature Recovery Strategies for Sussex will direct future effort and funding where they will have most benefit for nature and wider envrionmental benefits. The latter includes benefits such as carbon capture, urban cooling, flood reduction, in addition to economic benefits through increased tourism, fishing or forestry etc. and improved health and wellbeing. 


LNRS can also help create local opportunities for Sussex businesses to achieve their environment and social governance (ESG) objectives.


The environment is increasinly important to people: 

  • 75% of adults in Great Britain worry about climate change (ONS, 2021)
  • 71% of job seekers want to work for environmentally friendly employers (Future Business, 2022)
  • 82% of consumers want brands to practice sustainability (Forbes 2022)


Benefits of participation for businesses include:


  • Using Local Nature Recovery Strategies to identify local opportunities to meet corporate sustainability goals, such as working with local landowners to obtain carbon or biodiversity credits.
  • Identifing opportunities for increasing/ promoting tourism.
  • Partnering with local NGOs or landowners to provide corporate support to deliver actions for nature the strategy identifies, for example through funding or corporate volunteer days.
  • Facilitating the creation and/or running of local partnerships.


Are you a business with land that could be better utalised for nature? 



If your businesses is located on a larger site that has potential for habitat creation or improvement, or you are already implementing actions for nature on your estate, get in touch to let us know.  





Upcoming events


LNRS: Farmer Cluster workshop: 1066 Farmers

LNRS: Farmer Cluster workshop: 1066 Farmers



a test to see where this text appears
Landowners & Managers
Past event
Sussex Town & Parish Councillors LNRS briefing

Sussex Town & Parish Councillors LNRS briefing



Community Groups & Parishes
Past event
Sussex LNRS: Nature & Health meeting

Sussex LNRS: Nature & Health meeting



This is a past online event
Organisations & Businesses
Past event






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