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Landowners & Managers



Everyone in Sussex can contribute their priorities for nature’s recovery, but it is particularly important we hear from Sussex-based farmers, landowners and land managers because:

  • No one knows the land as well as those who work it.
  • Priorities and actions need to be realistic and achievable.
  • While we want to know the opportunities to improve nature, we also need to know where to prioritise food production.



Watch the Sussex LNRS Landowner & Managers webinar


This essential briefing explores what Local Nature Recovery Strategies mean for Sussex, for nature and for your business. Speakers include representatives from the NFU, CLA, FWAG, CLM and Natural England, as well as East and West Sussex County Councils.




Why participate? 


Local Nature Recovery Strategies will:

  • Enable farmers & land managers to better understand/determine if there are actions that would have particular benefit in their areas.
  • Help land managers to work together across areas and join-up actions to help improve connectivity.
  • Be a useful resource to inform applications for funding, particularly spatially targeted action such as Landscape Recovery projects. 
  • Be the impetus for government to explore increasing alignment between funding initiatives and the strategies.




Interested in taking action for nature on your land?


Take our survey to let us know. Tell us what you might be considering, but also what might be stopping you.


What can you expect as a landowner or land manager


High level information is being prepared to show where nationally or locally important sites and habitats are located across Sussex. This will be shared with Sussex-based landowners and managers to inform a wide conversation about the opportunities for nature on their land or in their vicinity, and how these might be brought about.


Actions identified in the strategy need to be realistic and achievable, so where possible, we’ll be working with Sussex landowners and managers to understand how priorities can be supported through schemes, projects or funding.


While actions captured in Sussex LNRS will be practical and will have been identified and shaped by those who manage the land, they won’t be mandatory. Landowners can also opt out of appearing on the final maps at any time before final publication, including during the public consultation phase.



Case studies


Sussex-based landowners and managers talk about what prompted their land use change and the benefits they've seen.


Hear from Ben Taylor, manager of the Iford Estate in South Downs National Park. 






Throughout 2024 we will be meeting with groups of landowners and managers across the counties.  More details of these to follow in due course.


FAQs & resources


If you're wondering how LNRS fits with existing schemes or incentives, or what it means for tenants, check out the FAQs for these answers and more. 

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