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Sussex Town & Parish Councillors LNRS briefing

Past event

26/02/2024 -- 19:00

East and West Sussex County Councils and the Sussex Nature Partnership invite you to an online briefing about the two Local Nature Recovery Strategies being developed for Sussex, on Monday 26th February 2024, 6-7pm.

What are Local Nature Recovery Strategies?

The Environment Act 2021 requires us to produce Local Nature Recovery Strategies (LNRS). Each LNRS will agree the priorities for nature’s recovery at the county level, determined by the people who live there and organisations who work there. There will be one strategy covering East Sussex and Brighton & Hove, and one covering West Sussex.

What to expect

This briefing for Sussex Town & Parish Councillors and Clerks will bring you up to speed on what LNRS are, how they'll be developed, their impact on planning, and how you can get involved. There will be c30 minutes of slides with the remainder of time for questions. The webinar will be recorded for those who can't attend on the day.

Register for the event here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_ZsVL8wvjQW-qjih7vTVkxA

Your hosts

Kate Cole - County Ecologist, East Sussex County Council
Don Baker - Team Manager - Environment & Heritage, West Sussex County Council
Julie Middleton - Policy Lead, Sussex Nature Partnership

We look forward to seeing you on Monday 26th February at 6pm.